Visualisation of penetration of topical antifungal drug substances through mycosis-infected nails by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry imaging

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Fernanda Endringer Pinto
  • Charlotte Bagger
  • Gernot Kunze
  • Nicolas Joly-Tonetti
  • Jean-Paul Thenot
  • Hanan Osman-Ponchet
  • Janfelt, Christian

Background Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) is a mass spectrometry-based technique, which can be applied for compound-specific imaging of pharmaceuticals in tissues samples. MALDI-MSI technology is widely used to visualise penetration and distribution profile through different tissues but has never been used with nail tissue.

Objectives This study used MALDI-MSI technology to visualise distribution profile and penetration into ex vivo human mycosis-infected toenails of three antifungal active ingredients amorolfine, ciclopirox and naftifine contained in topical onychomycosis nail treatment preparations, marketed as Loceryl(R), Ciclopoli(R) and Exoderil(R).

Methods Three mycosis-infected toenails were used for each treatment condition. Six and twenty-four hours after one single topical application of antifungal drugs, excess of formulation was removed, nails were cryo-sectioned at a thickness of 20 mu m, and MALDI matrix was deposited on each nail slice. Penetration and distribution profile of amorolfine, ciclopirox and naftifine in the nails were analysed by MALDI-MSI.

Results All antifungal actives have been visualised in the nail by MALDI-MSI. Ciclopirox and naftifine molecules showed a highly localised distribution in the uppermost layer of the nail plate. In comparison, amorolfine diffuses through the nail plate to the deep layers already 6 hours after application and keeps diffusing towards the lowest nail layers within 24 hours.

Conclusions This study shows for the first-time distribution and penetration of certain antifungal actives into human nails using MALDI-MSI analysis. The results showed a more homogeneous distribution of amorolfine to nail and a better penetration through the infected nails than ciclopirox and naftifine.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number8
Pages (from-to)869-875
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • amorolfine 5% nail lacquer, antifungal efficacy, ex vivo, MALDI-MSI, nail penetration, topical antifungals, NAFTIFINE, PERMEATION, DELIVERY, BARRIER

ID: 247075479