Protein Analysis Group

In the Protein Analysis Group, we specialize in-depth and comprehensive analysis of proteins of pharmaceutical interest by mass spectrometry (MS). This includes analysis of the structure (primary and higher-order) and interactions of proteins, quantity of proteins in complex samples in addition to development of new MS-based analytical workflows. We aim to provide the much-needed detailed information on protein structure, purity and quality to guide the development of new and improved drugs.

Protein Analysis group researchers in the lab












































































Group leader, Kasper Dyrberg Rand

Group Leader

Kasper Dyrberg Rand

Phone +45 23 71 25 56

Group members

Internal researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Anton Berg Hansen Research Assistant +4524499708 E-mail
Delaram Rajabi Mikalsen Master Thesis Student E-mail
Jordan Thomas Aerts Postdoc +4535330974 E-mail
Kasper Dyrberg Rand Professor E-mail
Nanna Nyboe Lund Master Thesis Student E-mail
Omid Rouhi External, Ph.d Student +4535324986 E-mail
Polina Zhdanova Guest Researcher E-mail
Sofia Zerva PhD Fellow +4535327713 E-mail
Victor Cheng Yin Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535333569 E-mail
Name Title Phone E-mail

Nadia Sara Jensen MacSween

Laboratory Technician



Ilenuta-Simina Cuciurean

PhD student

