Pharmaceutical Physical and Analytical Chemistry

The main purpose of the Pharmaceutical Physical and Analytical Chemistry Group is to develop novel approaches for physical chemical characterization drugs and delivery systems. The work paves the way for design of effective novel medicines and a better understanding of the fate of drug substances and delivery systems through application of quantitative analytical methods.






























































Group leader, Jesper Østergaard

Group Leader

Jesper Østergaard

Phone +45 35 33 61 38

Group members

Internal researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Abdul Kareem Mohamed Hussain Master Thesis Student E-mail
Anan Yaghmur Associate Professor +4535336541 E-mail
Anthon Kjærgaard Petersen Laboratory Technician Trainee +4535320623 E-mail
Bente Gammelgaard Professor +4535336415 E-mail
Camilla Jensen Laboratory Technician +4535336416 E-mail
Chenyang Wu PhD Student E-mail
Dicle Kalaycioglu Guest Researcher E-mail
Else Holmfred Postdoc +4535331932 E-mail
Hannah Grønbech Kolberg PhD Fellow E-mail
Huiling Mu Associate Professor +4535336187 E-mail
Jesper Østergaard Professor +4535336138 E-mail
Marianne Sara Putres Master Thesis Student E-mail
Mia Danielsen Postdoc +4535333921 E-mail
Ornuma Sorngate Albertsen Master Thesis Student E-mail
Pascal Bertsch Guest Researcher +4535335039 E-mail
Rita Wulff Rasmussen Laboratory Technician +4535335349 E-mail
Sara Aiyad Ali Master Thesis Student E-mail
Seref Akay Postdoc +4535323388 E-mail
Sharmin Sultana Satu Master Thesis Student E-mail
Sumeya Okutan Master Thesis Student E-mail
Susan Weng Larsen Associate Professor +4535336198 E-mail
Zahra Babaie PhD Fellow +4535324946 E-mail
Ziyang Mao PhD Student E-mail