Stine Harloff-Helleberg is now Tenure track Assistant Professor

Here, the new assistant professor tells about her new research focus at the LEO Center, and her former experience.
“In the LEO Center, I will focus on novel analytical techniques. This by establishing a multimodal research platform for
physicochemical studies of colloidal drug delivery systems and their interaction with model cell membranes, skin lipids and skin structures. Particular focus will be on utilizing neutron and synchrotron methods. Besides this, I am involved in teaching and supervision of MSc and PhD-students, and I am also a board member of CRS Nordic chapter as well as the Danish Pharmaceutical Society."
Until now, Stine Harloff-Helleberg has been part of the Drug Delivery and Biophysics of Biopharmaceuticals group at IF:
“After being an external group member during my industrial master thesis in 2009, I came back to the Drug Delivery and Biophysics of Biopharmaceuticals group as a postdoc in March 2013. Here, I joined the EU COMPACT project via the Novo Nordisk IMI program. After 5 years on the COMPACT project working with oral delivery of insulin and in vivo evaluation hereof, I was offered a position in the BioDelivery Center as Assistant Professor in 2019. Still working with oral delivery of biopharmaceuticals. In 2020, I received a Lundbeck Fellowship to initiate my own research project focusing on understanding mucosal drug delivery by uncovering the interaction between delivery system and mucus using a biophysical approach."
About her spare time, Stine Harloff-Helleberg says:
“Besides work, I enjoy spending as much time as possible with my three daughters, my family and friends, travelling and being physically active. I love skiing, surfing, running, yoga and, if time allows, golfing and tennis."