Natalja Genina

Natalja Genina

Associate Professor

My scientific research is focused on exploring the possibilities for the production of personalized dosage forms. Particularly, I am involved in development of innovative drug products and manufacturing solutions, mainly by different printing technologies, to bring the concept of personalized medicine in reality. Furthermore, I am dealing with the development of non-destructive quality systems and digital platforms to make possible the delivery of effective and safe product if/when the personalized dosage forms would be printed in different settings such as pharmacy, pharmaceutical industries and/or patients’ home on-demand.  I am also working in the interdisciplinary project with the group of Social and Clinical Pharmacy (UCPH) to explore the impact of those possible changes in the distribution chain on regulation, healthcare professionals and patients.


I decided to pursue my career in academics, because I can do research and teaching simultaneously. It is an absolute pleasure to incorporate the latest research finding while teaching to delivery up-to-date knowledge to students and see their excitement about that. In my teaching practice, I act as a facilitator of students’ work and guide them towards independent and critical thinking, because students learn when they are actively involved in their learning process. Even during my lectures, students work in the group on the case studies and solve the quizzes (problem-based learning). Those teaching strategies enable students to learn the subject more effectively. I give my MSc and PhD students the directed scientific freedom and support the ownership of their ideas. Even most of my MSc students graduate having a scientific paper in their portfolio.

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