Implementation of a re-prescription service in Danish community pharmacies: An electronic survey

Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearchpeer-review

Background The pharmacist re-prescribing service was introduced in Denmark in 2019. The service allows prescribing pharmacists to renew prescriptions of a limited number of medications. The prescription can be renewed (valid 7 days), and the next reneval has do be made by a general practitioner before the pharmacist can represcribe again.

Purpose To describe relevant topics and extent for delivery of re-prescribing service in Denmark.

Method Twenty-two pharmacies invited persons in the target group of re-prescription to participate in an electronic survey. The overall criterie was that the patient had to take the defined medicines for re-prescription, and they had to be stable in their treatment. Data collection was completed by internship pharmacist students from the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Copenhagen. There were 26 questions in the domains: Demografic data on pharmacy, pharmacist and patient, details on the encounter, formality, process of re-prescribing and additional services. Quantitative data was collected in RedCap and descriptive analyses was completed.

Findings A total of 119 customers consented to participate in the study, of whom 110 had an inquiry resulting in a re-prescription. Top three drug classes inquired about were oral contraceptives (46.6%; n = 51), antihypertensive agents (28.1%; n = 31), and inhalation medications for asthma (16.4%; n = 18). A proportion of customers requested a re-prescription outside normal pharmacy opening hours (42.3%; n = 50). For 97.3% (n = 107) of the prescriptions, the prescribing pharmacists used less than 5 min on the process. 93.6% of the customers were satisfied or very satisfied with the service.

Conclusion The pharmacist re-prescribing service was mainly used for oral contraceptives and antihypertensive agents. The workload for the prescribing pharmacist was low and the pharmacy customers were satisfied with the service. For further implementation of the service, more dissemination of information about the service is needed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number631
JournalInternational Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Pages (from-to)538-538
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event13th Working Conference 2023,
Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice: PCNE Working conference
Duration: 8 Feb 202311 Feb 2023
Conference number: 13


Conference13th Working Conference 2023,
Pharmacies' new roles in pharmaceutical care: bridging research and practice

ID: 388067273