Toxicology and Drug Metabolism

We perform experimental research revealing the toxicological, metabolic and endocrine effects of xenobiotics, especially pharmaceuticals, with the aim of assessing their risks to humans and biota. We apply variousin vitro, ex vivo and in vivoassays and advanced analytical techniques, such as LC-MS and mass spectrometry imaging.
































































Group leader, Bjarne Styrishave

Group Leader

Bjarne Styrishave
Associate Professor

Phone +45 35 33 62 65

Group/project members

Internal researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Areeba Rehman Master Thesis Student E-mail
Bjarne Styrishave Associate Professor +4535336265 E-mail
Catharina Margrethe Lerche Associate Professor +4521470444 E-mail
Christian Janfelt Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535336557 E-mail
Christina Kamp-Jensen PhD Student E-mail
Elisabeth Minke Elfrink Laboratory Assistant E-mail
Helene Hougaard Poulsen Laboratory Assistant +4535332807 E-mail
Jeleena Thavarajah Master Thesis Student E-mail
Jonatan Riber Granborg Guest Researcher E-mail
Kenneth Munk Pedersen Laboratory Technician +4535336471 E-mail
Lauritz Falkow Brorsen Guest Researcher E-mail
Mike Elean Loggiovini Castillo Alonso Medical student E-mail
Natalia Kjøller Rudbeck Master Student E-mail
Rea Bilic Master Thesis Student +4535335539 E-mail
Selma Opardija Master Thesis Student E-mail
Siyi Ouyang Medical student E-mail
Susanne Hermansen Laboratory Coordinator +4535336469 E-mail
Tanja Lylloff Visiting PhD Student E-mail
Trung Dinh Nguyen Guest Researcher +4535323909 E-mail