Lourdes Cantarero Arevalo

Lourdes Cantarero Arevalo

Associate Professor

Member of:

    1. 2013
    2. Published

      Ethnic and migrant differences in medicine use among children: questionnaire-based and register-based studies

      Cantarero Arevalo, Lourdes, May 2013, København: Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen. 156 p.

      Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesisResearch

    3. 2012
    4. Published

      Ethnic differences in prescription of anti-asthmatics for children and adolescents: a multilevel analysis

      Cantarero Arevalo, Lourdes, Holstein, B. E., Ersbøll, A. K., Andersen, A. & Hansen, E. H., 2012, In: European Journal of Epidemiology. 27, p. S55-S56 2 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearchpeer-review

    5. Published

      Teenageres brug af smertestillende medicin afhænger af etnisk baggrund

      Cantarero Arevalo, Lourdes & Hansen, E. H., 2012, In: Lægemiddelforskning. p. 23-24 2 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch

    6. 2010
    7. Published

      Do psychosocial factors mediate the association between medicine use and adolescents' migrant background ?

      Cantarero Arevalo, Lourdes, Holstein, B., Andersen, A. & Hansen, E. H., 2010, In: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 17, Suppl. 1, p. S275

      Research output: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearch

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