Microscale Analytical Systems

The main research focus of the Kutter group is the development of advanced analytical separation and sample preparation tools to gather (bio)chemical information for the potential benefit of pharmaceutical treatment and medical care, with a strong emphasis on implementing microfluidic solutions.




































































Group leader, Jörg Kutter

Group Leader

Jörg Peter Kutter

Phone +45 35 32 03 99

Group members

Internal researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Anna Thu Hoai Nguyen PhD Fellow +4535325967 E-mail
Claus Cornett Associate Professor +4535336266 E-mail
Jörg P. Kutter Professor +4535320399 E-mail
Kirsten Andersen Laboratory Coordinator +4535336048 E-mail
Leïla Dos Santos Visiting PhD Student +4535331122 E-mail
Nadia Sara Jensen MacSween Laboratory Technician +4535331090 E-mail
Nickolaj J. Petersen Associate Professor +4535336184 E-mail
Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard Professor +4535336226 E-mail
Vandana Kaushal Guest Researcher +4535333195 E-mail

Master students

Name Title of Master Thesis
Nivarna Ratnakumar Cannabinoid extraction and quantitative analysis towards transport studies
Søren Olsen Bioactive compounds in industrial hemp