New mass spectrometry imaging equipment is among the world's most sensitive
The Waters Xevo TQ Absolute is equipped with a DESI-XS ion source and is now residing in the laboratories of Associate Professor Christian Janfelt.

The system is designed for targeted mass spectrometry imaging of drugs and low abundance metabolites, and it is probably the most sensitive MSI system in the world, according to its new owner, Christian Janfelt.
Considering that it is our first tissue image on a new instrument and not much effort was put into signal optimization the image is of really great quality.
After running a first and quite casual test on tissue from a rat brain, Christian Janfelt says: “Considering that it is our first tissue image on a new instrument and not much effort
was put into signal optimization (enough focus on learning the software…), the image is of really great quality. I can’t wait to see what we can achieve with the new instrument, as we make our way through samples in freezer, which we previously had to give up on due to sensitivity limits!”
The first projects to be conducted on the new instrument are projects on delivery and the pharmacology of CNS drugs in the brain and a study of delivery of antibiotics to clinical samples of pancreas necrosis.
The new equipment has been funded by NUFI (Nationalt udvalg for Forskningsinfrastruktur), where Christian Janfelt is part of the PLATO consortium coordinated by Professor Ole Nørregaard Jensen from SDU, University of Southern Denmark.