UCPH part of the new consortium, NordicPharmaTrain

This project will be based on the cooperation network built up in the Nordic POP project.
The new consortium recently received up to 20 mill NOK in funding from NordForsk under their University Cooperation call and it is led by Professor Christel Bergström from Uppsala University. Professor and Head of Department Jukka Rantanen and Associate Professor Anders Østergaard Madsen from Department of Pharmacy are part of the project, manifesting, e.g., two new key subject areas for the research at IF: sustainability and big data within pharmaceutical sciences.
NordicPharmaTrain will strive to consolidate world-leading research and education in the Nordics within drug delivery, pharmaceutical product design and clinical implementation with focus on translation and innovation in pharmaceutical research.
The overall focus of NordicPharmaTrain is:
- Mobility actions for young researchers and senior scientists.
- Research and education in collaboration with the strong life science partners within the region.
- Training and mentorship of young researchers to equip them for future leadership within Nordic biotech and pharma industry.
Professor and Head of Department Jukka Rantanen and Associate Professor Anders Østergaard Madsen from Department of
Pharmacy will be heading two of the work packages.
Professor Jukka Rantanen’s work package has a focus on manufacturing. Pharmaceutical products of the future will contain more of personalized elements, which will inevitably change the way these products need to be designed. Therefore, in this project, the team will aim at providing scientific excellence within design principles of advanced products and innovative supply chain models.
Associate Professor Anders Østergaard Madsen is responsible for the work package focusing on Large Infrastructures (especially synchrotron). This team will aim at training and educating the next generation of pharmaceutical scientists to take advantage of large-scale facilities. They will be engaged in the construction of pharmaceutical sample stages for the DanMAX beamline and invite NordicPharmaTrain students and researchers to take advantage of this setup.
The team will work to ensure that the Nordic pharmaceutical research community harvests the potential of the large-scale infrastructures in Europe, especially the facilities within the Nordic region: the MAX IV synchrotron and the European Spallation Source, ESS.
Experiments at synchrotron facilities generate very large amounts of data, and automated data handling and analysis will allow fast decision-making during experiments. In this respect, the two teams will explore the use of machine-learning algorithms for the handling of synchrotron data.
The UCPH share of the overall projects have received a funding of 2.3 mill NOK from NordForsk allowing for mobility of students and staff members from the participating institutions.