Our two new Professors in Social Pharmacy: Susanne Kaae and Lotte Stig Nørgaard
Last Friday we celebrated our two new professors in social pharmacy here at Department of Pharmacy, Professor Lotte Stig Nørgaard and Professor Susanne Kaae.

At the ceremony, Head of Department Jukka Rantanen welcomed everybody and presented the two professors with gifts, the pharmacy mortars.
Professor Lotte Stig Nørgaard and Professor Susanne Kaae gave a joint inaugural lecture with the title “The relevance of social pharmacy in a rapidly changing world” in front of an audience of colleagues, friends and family.
In their lecture, Lotte Stig Nørgaard and Susanne Kaae pinpointed some of the major challenges with medicines today and provided examples from their own careers, how social pharmacy research can help tackle these challenges.
Lotte spoke about how students have done research as part of their pharmacy internship for more than 25 years at University of Copenhagen and about the creation and function of the Network for Pharmacy Practice Research and Development. Besides, she elaborated on the results from two recent studies on pharmacists´ teaching of schoolchildren in medicine use and on a sustainability study about medicine waste.
Susanne showed some of the projects put into practice in South-East Europe to reduce anti-microbial resistance, through exploring how antibiotics are used in daily life by patients, doctors and pharmacists. She also went through the development and effects of the new post-curriculum education for pharmacy staff in Denmark in mentalizing to identify and resolve patients’ difficulties with medicine use by staff becoming more patient centered in their approach.
Finally, Lotte and Susanne mentioned some of their plans for the coming years including projects on how to create more sustainable use of medicines and how to develop the role of the pharmacist - always with a strong patient centered focus in all projects.
After the lecture, we celebrated the occasion with a reception in Atrium. Professor Anna Birna Almarsdóttir gave a speech, praising the two new professors, their research and collaborations. Lotte and Susanne each gave presents and a speech to each other.