Our new Professor, Lotte Stig Nørgaard

Lotte Stig Nørgaard was recently appointed Professor in Social and Clinical Pharmacy at Department of Pharmacy. Besides being a highly esteemed researcher, Professor Lotte Stig Nørgaard is also an experienced communicator and social commentator. She has almost 30 years of experience in teaching and supervision of PhD projects and for the last 15 years, she has been heading the pharmacy internship, a collaboration between UCPH and the more than 100 Danish internship pharmacies.
Professor Lotte Stig Nørgaard is currently involved in several research projects from sustainable use of medicine (the “Stop
medicine waste project”) to young adults and medicine use (the project “Co-creating research with young chronic patients”); the future role of pharmacists/pharmacies (“Helping with late effects of cancer – a pharmacy service?”) and hospital-based studies such as the “In hospital at home” project).
The majority of Professor Lotte Stig Nørgaard’s projects are part of these networks: the Danish Network for Community Pharmacy Practice Research and Development, the WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in the Patient Perspective on Medicines Use and the Sustainable Drug Discovery Network.
Professor Lotte Stig Nørgaard describes the project “The School Medicine Theme Day”, a project recently funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation:
“Together with clinical pharmacist from Rigshospitalet, Bettina Nygaard Nielsen, I am heading the interdisciplinary study “The School Medicine Theme Day” (SMT). Here, community pharmacists teach an entire day in 80 school classes about the use and formulation of medicines. The aim is to improve knowledge about medicines among the children and to teach them how to how to handle medicines carefully.
Furthermore, the study generates ideas for how to anchor medicine education in all Danish schools. Schoolteachers, didactics and health care professionals developed the SMT with its 11 educational hands-on activities such as medicines bingo, medicines relay, a pain threshold exercise and drug release experiments.”
You can read more about the School Medicine Theme Day here