Better counselling at pharmacies of citizens with anxiety and depression
The new research project “How should we talk about medicine?” has just received 5.7 mill DKK from VELUX Foundations. Professor Susanne Kaae is CO-PI of the project with Professor Christina Fogtmann Fosgerau from Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS).

Other partners in the project are Pharmakon, Psykiatrifonden, Bedre Psykiatri Komiteen for Sundhedsoplysning, Stevns Apotek and Frederikssund Apotek. The four-year research project will investigate how pharmacies can be involved in securing a better and more citizen-minded medical treatment of citizens with anxiety and/or depression.
By using ethno-methodological and language psychological analyses, the researchers will uncover how pharmacy counselling today benefits citizens with anxiety and depression, seen from both staff- and citizens’ perspectives.
This will create the basis for developing a new theory on how medicine counselling affects these patients’ perception of and behaviour towards medicine. From this, the group will develop a new conversational tool that could offer a flexible, attentive and a more citizen-minded and social counselling style approach in the pharmacy, to support people with anxiety and depression to return to the life they wish for.