Professor Ben Boyd, our new expert in self-assembled materials

Friday 25th of February, the Department of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences said a warm welcome to Professor Ben Boyd at his inauguration ceremony.
Dean Ulla Wewer inaugurated the new professor, who later gave the lecture "Self-assembly beyond IKEA - my experiences of self-assembly and structure in pharma and food".
Head of Department, Birger Brodin, also gave a speech where he not only praised the main person’s research, but also his personal qualifications:
“You have a vast back catalogue of studies on lipids and nanoparticles, their composition, their interactions and drug delivery properties, as well as many more topics. Your curriculum is impressive, your publication, funding and patenting activity is high, and your global network and outreach is broad. You are an outstanding expert and we are happy that you have chosen to share your expertise with us.
That being said, you also have another quality, which is really important. You are a nice, gentle and patient person. We are happy to have you on board and we look forward to exciting research and good times.”
Professor Ben Boyd is a world-renowned capacity within the pharmaceutical sciences, with outstanding publication, funding and patenting activity. His research covers a wide range of topics linked through understanding the link between structure and function, especially in lipid self-assembled materials and their use in drug delivery. In addition, he is also very active in using and developing advanced scattering methods to study structure and dynamics in these systems.
Professor Ben Boyd is leader of the Structured Biointerfaces group at Department of Pharmacy, a recently formed group that aims at improving the understanding of the surface of particles in physiological environments for improved performance of formulated products across a range of fields. This includes both the pharmaceutical industries and food industries.