DRA Summer School about research, career and diversity
The Drug Research Academy (DRA) Summer School took place 25-26 August 2022. This year, 115 PhD students and supervisors participated in the event, enjoying the beautiful venue Bymose Hegn in Helsinge and the comprehensive programme.

The summer school is a mixture of PhD students' presentations, discussions, and plenary lectures where keynote speakers give
lectures on broad topics relevant to PhD students in pharmaceutical sciences; this year the four guest speakers talked about diversity and career.
Third year PhD students presented their projects orally and second year PhD students presented their projects on posters. There were poster viewing groups consisting of 1st year PhD students and supervisors, and poster assessment groups consisting of third year PhD students. The committee of DRA supervisors reviewed the oral presentations and gave prizes to best oral presentations and best posters.
The walk and talk session was a new initiative: 22 groups with a supervisor and 4-5 PhD students discussed topics related to diversity and cultural differences and e.g., how this affects the daily life in the research groups, what DRA can learn from other countries, diversity challenges, and how to address and discuss diversity in the research groups.
The first day ended with a dinner and an evening social with Young Pharma Forum organizing a quiz.
The summer school is a mandatory course for PhD students affiliated with DRA. DRA supervisors and DRA scholars are also invited to participate in the summer school.