Camilla Stine Øverup

Camilla Stine Øverup

Associate Professor

Camilla Stine Øverup (CSØ) has a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Houston, TX, USA, with a specialty in Relationship Science. She has published more than 40 papers in international journals, with the majority of them focused on relationship dynamics, intimate partner violence, and divorce outcomes. She has served as an editor for the high-ranking journal Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being and is a reviewer for multiple journals, including Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and Psychology of Violence.

Prior to her return to Denmark, CSØ worked for 3.5 years as an Assistant Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, USA. During this time, she taught courses on the theory and research on romantic relationships and research methods course, as well as bachelor and PhD survey courses on Social Psychology.

Possible conflicts of interest

No conflicts of interests

Current research


Can a digital intervention help children cope with parental relationship dissolution/divorce?

2) Self-affirmation as a mechanism to reduce intimate partner violence

Can we reduce people's desire to be violence toward a romantic partner by applying self-affirmation?

3) Sexuality in the Nordic countries, France and the UK

Who uses sex toys and how does the use of sex toys relate to sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction?

Who is better at sexual communication in the intimate relationship and is it associated with greater sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction?

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