The early postnatal pattern of vesicle formation in different regions of the porcien small intestine

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In the early postnatal period, the permeability of the piglet small intestine is high to compensate for the absence of trans-placental transfer of immunoglobulins during the fetal period. Vesicles, which mainly reflect the uptake of macromolecules and other colostral/milk components, were studied in three different regions of the small intestine - proximal, mid and distal - in a total of twelve piglets on day 0 (unsuckled and colostrums-fed), 2 and 6 (all suckled). Tissues were sampled and prepared for light microscopy (paraffin and cryo) and trans-electron microscopy. Different methods were applied to visualize cytoplasmatic subcellular components such as fat (Oil red O) and carbohydrates (PAS). Appearance and morphology of the epithelial vesicles were compared.
In the proximal region several small supranuclear and a single large subnuclear electron dense, eosinophilic and PAS+ vesicle were present. They disappeared after 2 days (gut closure) and on day 6 adult-looking epithelial cells were present. In the distal region of day 0 pigs digestion vesicles/flocculent vesicles were observed in the cytoplasma. The vesicles appeared empty but with eosinophilic, PAS+ and electron dense precipitations. The size and variation of these vesicles increased with age. Fat absorption increased markedly from day 2 to day 6.
The observations indicate that in general colostral absorption processes are initiated prenatally, persist after birth and in the distal region also after gut closure. Fat absorption increased after gut closure, and in the distal region the increase correlated with e.g. IgG absorption.

Original languageEnglish
JournalLivestock Science
Issue number1-3
Pages (from-to)142-145
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2007

ID: 8067566