16 September 2017

1st ISBUC annual meeting


On 15 September 2017, most members of the Protein Analysis Group joined the first ISBUC annual meeting in the GeoCenter, hosted by the Faculty of Science.

Collage of the day

The programme consisted of several talks in state-of-the art topics in the Structural Biology fields. Pioneers in the area, like Andrea Musacchio, Zoe Fisher, Nicholas Taylor, Robert Feidenhansl’ and Martin Malmsteen honoured us by giving some talks on their current studies.

In between these talks, many other scientists had the chance to participate in flash-talks and present some of their recent work as well.

Lunchtime allowed us all to socialize and share experiences, connecting all the people with the shared interest in Structural Biology.

At the end of the meeting, prizes for best student poster and best PhD/Group poster were given and snacks and drinks were generously distributed.

The day ended with some rain, but the scientific spirits were rising to the top after such a refreshing, mind-opening event.